Occupations in the Transportation Industry


Somehow all the things that your Settlers produce have to get from one place to the next. And for this there are carriers. Not the most exciting job, but you'll learn to appreciate them very quickly, especially when the only thing preventing a building from being completed is the transport of materials from one location to another.

Donkey breeder

If you want to carry out trade – and this is highly recommended – then you need donkeys. In order to use donkeys, you need grain and water, making them strong enough to pull their loads.


Occupations in the Building Industry


Before any buildings can be constructed, the building site has to be cleared and leveled. And the less favorable the site is, the longer the diggers need to do their job. Don’t expect them to dig with their bare hands, they require shovels.


The woodcutter is the first tradesman you'll employ, as the building you build first will most likely be his hut. The woodcutter will automatically offer his services as a lumberjack as long as there is a healthy supply of trees and you've provided him with an axe.


Are your woodcutters just a bit too zealous? Then you just might need a forester to help restore a healthy balance. Otherwise you'll find yourself needing some wood and viewing nothing but a barren landscape.


The woodworker at the sawmill does what he can, so that all your buildings don't look like shabby cabins. He cuts the logs into boards which the builders can fashion into an impressive variety of buildings.


Buildings do not, of course, consist merely of wooden planks. With a pick and a bit of granite in the area, your stonecutter will see to it that the builders can lay foundations as strong as stone.


Give a builder some stones, boards, his hammer, and an adequate construction site, and he doesn't need anything more.


pioneer.gif (47275 Byte)The pioneer is the only Settler who can expand your territory. He can be sent to any area of map with the same move commands that are used for soldiers, thieves, and geologists. When he arrives at the location you've chosen, he begins sinking posts which mark the new territory that he's bringing under your control. He can perform his work in all territory that's not currently under enemy control.




Occupations in the Metal Industry


geolog.gif (43017 Byte)A geologist can tap on the ground, listen very carefully, and somehow determine the contents of mother earth. He may find gold, iron, sulfur, gems, or coal. Whatever he finds, he can save your miners a lot of unnecessary work.





Deep down in their mining pits, your miners go about their tedious work. Because without gold, iron and coal, your smelters and smiths would lead a leisurely life. Give your miner a pick and plenty to eat and he'll be able to keep the leisure time of the "above-grounders" at a minimum.

Every miner works for a longer period between meals when he gets his favorite meal. For the iron miners it's meat; for the coal miners, bread; for the gold and gem miners it's fish; for the Asian sulfur miners, a good supply of rice; for the Amazon sulfur miners, plenty of honey.

Iron Smelter

He makes wonderful bars of iron from coal and iron ore, and that's just what your tool smith and weapon smith need.

Gold Smelter

The gold bars which he produces from gold nuggets and coal can do a lot to get your soldiers motivated.

Tool Smith

The tool smith loves all kinds of tools. Give him a hammer, enough coal and iron bars and he'll see to it that you never run out of tools.

Weapon Smith

ironsm.gif (46895 Byte)Unfortunately not all Settlers are as peace-loving as you no doubt are. Your weapon smith can give you a hand here. Just be sure that he gets a hammer and all the coal, wood and iron that he needs.





Occupations in the Food Industry


Nothing grows without water. Ever tried baking a loaf of bread from dry dough? Ah, ha, you need someone to collect and store fresh water for all those activities where a little moisture comes in handy. This is what your waterworker is there for.


t7.gif (1705 Byte)The farmer is responsible for getting the food chain rattling, so to speak. His grain feeds the pigs and enables the miller to fill his sacks with flour.


He's the one that turns that big wheel. Actually, he has a relatively leisurely job. After all, it's the carriers who have to carry the sacks of flour to the bakery. Remember to keep him supplied with wheat.


Just a little bit of water and flour and the baker can conjure up just what the bellies of those coal miners want.

Pig Farmer

With some water and grain, the pig farmer will make sure that the butcher has no time to twiddle his thumbs.


You can't blame the pigs if they are somewhat leery of the butcher, but among the iron miners he is greeted with a hearty pat on the back.


A little patience, a rod, and the fishing hole is just about all your tale-spinning angler needs to whet the appetites of those gold miners.


Occupations in the Shipping Industry


He builds transports and merchant ships. He spends his whole day building seaworthy ships to help you conquer new lands.


Occupations specific to one race

Specifically Roman Occupations

Charcoal Maker

The Roman charcoal maker needs only wood in order to be able to give the Romans an alternative to mining for coal.

Wine Grower

Wine, the elixir of life, and a good reason to be a priest, at least a genuine Roman one. All the wine-grower needs is a little slope and a bit of space.

Catapult Maker

Your Catapult Maker is responsible for building the Roman instruments of war out of iron, wood and stone.


Specifically Egyptian Occupations


The Egyptian priests are no exception with regard to the consumption of alcohol, except that they prefer a hearty glass of beer as opposed to the weaker wine of the Asians or Romans. For beer, the brewer needs grain and water to get everything hopping. Mother Nature takes care of the rest.

Ballista Maker

He builds these terrible war machines out of iron, wood and stone.


Specifically Asian Occupations


The Asians have discovered a very special mixture of coal and sulfur. And when it's ignited, POW! That naturally has strategic advantages, provided, of course, that you have a  gunpowder maker, a coalmine and a sulfur mine.


Furnished with enough rice and water, he can deliver whatever proof the dragon god might demand, as a matter of fact. There are reports now and then that Ch'ih-Yu himself has fired a still or two with his fiery breath.

Rice Farmer

The rice farmer thrives in the swampy terrain. His importance lies more with the military than with the food production chain. It's well-known that from the rice he delivers to the distiller, a beverage of legendary qualities is produced and appreciated.

Cannon Maker

The cannon maker forges cannons out of iron and produces ammunition out of gunpowder for them.


Specifically Amazon Occupations


To keep Q'nqüra happy, the Amazons need mead which is produced from honey and water. The beekeeper takes care of supplying the honey. She only needs a forested area to do her job.


The meadmaker makes mead from honey and water. According to the Amazon priestesses, this is Q'nqüra's favorite beverage.


In her den the alchemist is able to conjure up gold, but sometimes only iron from her odiferous mixtures.

Gong Maker

This Amazon craftswoman forges the war gongs whose effects can be compared to those of the trumpets of Jericho.


Occupations in the Military


It could well be that he walks like an Egyptian, but he could just as well be Asian or Roman. And how can you tell that an Asian is not lurking beneath that Roman toga? That's no easy matter. The thieves of the Settler world don't run around in tuxedos.

Swordsman, Spearman, Bowman

r29.gif (1710 Byte)r29.gif (1710 Byte)These are the guys that every strategist needs. While the bowmen are releasing flocks of arrows to descend upon the rear ranks of your opponent, the spearmen and swordsmen take care of business up front!


During and after the battle the healer has his healing hands full. Don't worry, he won't run out of salves and ointments because he is a zealous collector of herbs.


Occupations in the Clergy


Give him what he needs to pay homage to his god, and he won't let you down. The divine intervention that he conjures up can prove extremely useful in battle. For this service, the priests require a little alcoholic donation.