Keyboard Commands







Change screen resolution to 640x480
Change screen resolution to 800x600
Change screen resolution to 1024x768

Chat with all players
Chat only with allies

Skip 1 minute playing time (only in single player mode)

Sound effects softer
Sound effects louder



Keyboard Functions


Return key

Arrow keys


Exit game

Activates the chat mode. Enter your message and press the return key once more to send off your message.

move the playing area in the corresponding direction.


Keyboard Commands for Moving Settlers

Only certain Settlers and objects can be selected and moved. These include soldiers, thieves, geologists, pioneers, catapults, and some ships.

LMB = left mouse button
RMB = right mouse button

Selecting Settlers or Objects

- LMB or wrap with LMB depressed.

Deselecting Settlers or Objects

- LMB anywhere in the playing area where there are no Settlers or objects that can be selected.

Special Commands for Selecting

or SHIFT-wrap

ALT-LMB on a
Settler or Object

Settler or Object

TAB  selected Group

add Settlers to group

select all of the same kind of Settlers in the vicinity

select all Settlers in the vicinity


All wounded soldiers are selected.


- ALT-1 to ALT-9: designate the selected Settlers to groups 1 through 9.

- Keys 1 to 9: select the group corresponding to this number. The playing area will automatically center on this group.

Moving Settlers or Objects

- RMB: move to this location.

Special Commands for Moving Settlers or Objects

- CTRL-RMB: move to this location, ignoring the enemy along the way.

- SHIFT-RMB: set additional waypoints. After the Settler or group selected has reached its goal, it moves automatically to the next waypoint. In addition to the normal move three waypoints can be set. You can cancel this movement by giving any other move command.

- ALT-RMB: Patrol between the present position and the new position where you click.


Menu Shortcuts

With the following keys you can get to the functions of the Control Center more quickly.

Q, W, E, R

A, S, D, F

Z, X, C, V

correspond to the four icons of the Building menu below the overview map

correspond to the four icons of the Goods menu

correspond to the four icons of the Settlers menu