Important Changes

This is a list of links to the most important changes in THE SETTLERS III since the game was released nearly a year ago.

During the revision process on this manual it quickly became apparent that the changes would be quite extensive. Many areas have been reworked in greater depth and a lot of new material has been included to reflect the continuing expansion of features in the game.

Here you'll find the most significant changes that have been made.


Buildings of the Amazons
Table of Building Materials
Specifically Amazon Occupations
Q'nqüra's Acts of Divine Intervention
The Amazon Campaigns


The Marketplace
Transport of Goods to your Second Colony
Goods Transport by Land
Goods Transport by Sea


Thieves 1
Thieves 2
Economic Mode
Clan and Ladder Games
New on the Mission CD

As already mentioned, this is not nearly everything. Take a little time to browse through the manual and discover all the innovations in THE SETTLERS III.